Fraction Mother, Subtract Children

"Fraction Mother, Subtract Children" | David Najib Kasir

Milwaukee, WI

In this heart-wrenching composition, inspired by his own personal family experiences, Kasir paints an image of a family divided. Using patterns and colors inspired by traditional Syrian arts and fabrics, he weaves a narrative of a faceless mother who listlessly carries one child even as the other is out of reach. Is the other one even her child? Have they been separated, and for what reason? Kasir challenges us to question our own political climate or perhaps even our own stories of loss and separation, grief and mourning as we look at the mother and her two children, which could signify something as banal as a simple step, or as tragic as death. Only you as a viewer can guess.

David Najib Kasir is a contemporary painter living and working in Milwaukee, WI. He's a father of two girls who will one day rule us all. David is very interested in social justice work and the role of public art. His work is comprised of personal narrative and surrounds the act of coming to terms with the challenges of family, life, love and loss.

Fraction Mother, Subtract Child.png

Paper Airplanes

